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Saturday, March 19, 2011

France Takes Lead in Using Military Force Against Qaddafi. Is U.S. Next?

On Friday, President Obama issued a statement confirming the U.S. support for a no-flight zone over Libya, that the United Nations implemented the day before. The president also spoke to Colonel Qaddafi, saying that the Libyan military will implement a cease-fire immediately; they will not continue killing it's own citizens; Libya will allow foreign nations aid the wounded from the military attacks. He said if Qaddafi failed to comply to these terms, there would be consequences.

"Let me be clear, these terms are not negotiable," said Obama.

President Obama said the United States, France, Europe and allies will enforce the restrictions on Libya, but France will be leading the way. The president said he may send in Air Force jets because they do lead the world in fighter jets and drone planes but will not put troops in Libya.

According to the NY Times, France's president, Nicolas Sarkozy, said their air force has already been sent to enforce the no-flight zone. The French military has confirmed engaging and destroying a Libyan military vehicle.

After the announcement, Qaddafi said that a cease-fire has been implemented but quickly retracted his statement and warned the U.S. and it's allies not to enforce no-flight zone. NY Times reported the Libyan army setting up groundwork to set up a potential strike.

On Saturday, March 19, a fighter jet was shot down over Libya. CNN reports the jet belonged to opposition forces. The fighter jet is one of few that rebels were able to acquire and repair. Rebels say that Qaddafi is blatantly using force as if he wants a war to begin.

COMMENT! Do you think the United States is making a good choice to not send troops into Libya? Do you see another war coming out of this? What is your opinion on this whole matter?

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