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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Possible Presidential Candidate, Trump, Joins The Lists Of "Birthers"

Possible future presidential candidate Donald Trump is one of the many Americans that believe President Obama wasn't born in America. This group of people that question the citizenship of the president are known as "birthers." Trump has been on various talk shows including Fox News, The Today Show and The View, demanding that he views in person, Obama's Hawaiian birth certificate.

Politicians and people who opposed Obama while he was running for president kept insisting that Obama wasn't born in America, which makes him ineligible to be president. The evidence that Trump has to support his doubt is "because he grew up and nobody knew him." 

Former director of Hawaii's Department of Health, Dr. Chiyome Fukino said, "It's kind of ludicrous at this point." Fukino has personally checked the president's birth certificate during his running in 2008 and again in 2009. She says people will never be satisfied, "they're going to question the ink on which it was written or say it was fabricated." 

Sarah Palin, a once self-proclaimed "birther" says that in the end, it will most likely be proved that Obama was born in America but he is probably hiding something from his past. She "appreciates" Trump's pursuit to find the truth.

Some people say Trump may just be saying he is a "birther" to cause controversy to gain publicity for his possible announcement of his running in 2012. 

 "It is real, and no amount of saying it is not, is going to change that," Fukino said.

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Anonymous said...

I feel like it is a important issue, but as the article says it has been checked. I feel that politicians should stop focusing on an issue that has nothing to do with HOW he is governing our country, but rather should focus on his policy or his position on certain issues.

Anonymous said...

I feel like this should not even be considered "news."