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Sunday, March 27, 2011

3-Day Abortion Wait Period (Feat. Kyle Rhoads & Bryan Verdi)

Podcast final reel by JamesRoss

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Anonymous said...

Even though Bryan and Kyle came to an agreement about notifying the parents I'm not so sure it would work out because I feel like a lot of parents would keep their kids from having the abortion if they found out their kid was planning to have one and just tell the doctor that they changed their mind. I would definitely encourage minors to talk their parents if they are considering it, but don't think that forcing them to be notified is a good solution.

About this 3 day waiting period I think I'm gonna have to agree more with Bryan. It sounds like a good idea, but it would give conservative groups more opportunities to find these people considering abortions and harass them constantly throughout those three days. Although we'd all like to believe that people would be respectful and allow professionals to talk to the people considering abortions, in reality we know that there are groups out there that will definitely go to extreme lengths to find these people, especially when they convince themselves they're doing it to save a human life. Just look at the Westboro Baptist Church in Kansas that is constantly protesting soldier's funerals because they think God is punishing society for accepting homosexuality in America. This three day waiting period, although ambitious, will most likely cause more problems.

This was a very nice podcast guys and I enjoyed listening to your thoughts on the subject, keep it up.

-Josh from Omaha, NE

Bree said...

Josh, I honestly dont see what the problem is in a parent stopping their child from going through with an abortion. A parent knows their child best and have a right to protect them and guide them to take responsiblity for their actions. If that teen wasnt mature enough to take the proper precautions to prevent pregnancy, they're not mature enough to decide to terminate it on their own. Having an abortion can cause many emotional heartaches such as guilt and depression, as mentioned in the podcast. A parent should be given the opportunity to protect their child from this, or if an abortion is decided, to help them cope with full knowledge of what is going on in their teens life.
Also, there have been cases where women have died from having an abortion due to complications. Can you imagine if you were a parent to a young teenage girl and found out she had died while having an abortion and you had no knowledge of the event? As Kyle mentioned, it is an optional surgery, and the parents should at the very Least be notified, in case of a emergency.

Now the three day waiting period issue...I'm not sure how they are going to set up the counseling, but I don't see how these conservative groups would be able to find these women and harrass them to keep their baby. I'm positive that who ever controls it would refer these women to respectable counsel offices that would keep everything confidential to prevent that from happening. The whole point of the three day period is to give women complete information of what the procedure consists of and how it may affect them, physically and emotionally. While a women has the right to control her body, she also has the right to know EXACTLY what she's doing to it. It can be only a little information that can change her mind from doing something that she will regret for the rest of her life.

Josh said...

Bree, the problem is that although parents want to look out for their kids, having a child will ultimately be the responsibility of the minors having the baby. That is a decision that will affect the rest of their lives and although I would strongly encourage all minors to consult their parents about such a huge decision, the reality of it is that not all people are fortunate enough to have loving parents who will be supportive and helpful. You need to consider the many disfunctional families out there that would find out that there kid is trying to have an abortion and either force thier child to have the baby, or punish them with beatings or worse for discovering that their child was having unprotected sex. Don't get me mixed up because I am totally against abortion and would STRONGLY encourage all considering it to look to raising the child or adoption, but I don't believe we should force them to do so.

bree said...

Yeah I can understand how an abusive or dysfunctional family would pose a problem. But if I remember correctly the girls have the choice to notify an aunt or uncle or any other adult relative instead of their parents in those specific cases. And you're right not every one is fortunate enough to have parents who would be understanding, that's another reason why I think the 3 day wait period is a good idea because it gives young girls who can't confide in their parents, access to adult consultation while trying to make a difficult life changing decision.