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Monday, March 14, 2011

"Should I Get Out of Here?"

Reporting on the events occurring in Japan amidst the quake and tsunami, CNN's Anderson Cooper was speaking to nuclear expert Jim Walsh on-air. During the interview, he received word that another nuclear plant had exploded in Fukushima and that raised concerns for Anderson and his team since they were 100 kilometers north of the plant explosion. Mid-way through the interview, Cooper stopped Walsh and asked him, "Should I get out of here?" Nuclear expert Walsh reassured Cooper by saying that they should be safe since the wind in Japan was blowing west.

After airing his show Friday night, "Anderson Cooper 360", Cooper left for Japan and began reporting on the events unfolding Sunday. Along with news crew arriving to report the events, so did search and rescue teams from the U.S. to help in the effort to find survivors. Prime Minister Naoto Kan said that Japan is not in rebuilding mode but in recovery.

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