A student from A&M said the lectures should not be allowed on campus and it shouldn't be funded by the school. Justin Pulliam said, "Most people at the university do not agree with having casual sex, or homosexual sex, or having marriage outside of marriage, " he added, "That the university is institutionally supporting such behavior is disgusting."
The student claims the safety lectures are being funded by the school but a woman from the school's GLBT Professional Network says only a small amount was used. Lowell Kane said, "Student fees were not used to pay the therapist to facilitate the workshop." Kane said the grand total for the workshop was $20 and change.
Pat Carlson from the website The Texas Eagle Forum said, "I don't know how on earth, they can call that a safe sex seminar, that was the most disgusting thing." He added, "I've been married for 41 years, and never have I watched something so repulsive."
Kane said the activity was soley to talk about how to perform gay sex safely and that they were not promoting the gay lifestyle. Since there has been a rise of infections of syphilis and HIV on the campus, Kane says its an important issue to talk about since students will partake in the activities.
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